Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Night Before School Starts........

Everyone's new clothes are hung in the closet...drawers full of new socks and underwear...
Sparkling shoes ready to be worn...Outfit picked out and ready to slip into...
(For in my house we don't wear any new clothes until school starts)
All supplies are ready and lunch-money given...
Mom's smilin' and countin' the hours...Back to routine!
No more staying up late, with me coming out after midnight to say 'turn that stupid tv down'...
No more calling the house at 11am, just to have a tired voice answer because I woke them up...
Although I'm floating on a cloud of maternal ecstacy because my house will (somewhat) be mine again
 I realize it means my babies are growing up as this new school year starts.
~Syd will be graduating and entering 'adulthood' (HA!)~
~Tyler will be loaded down with 'advanced' school work and headed towards dual-enrollement~
~Hunter is in the midst of puberty and the hellacious hormones that accompany it~
~Spencer is a bundle of nerves as he wonders if his 4th grade teacher will yell at lot~
There will be lots of changes as this new year starts...It's a bittersweet occasion.
If you're a mom, then you know what I mean.
So lemme ask you it wrong that I was offering Tylenol PM's to my children with their dinner???
Please don't judge me...
As I was JUST trying to help them get a jumpstart on a good nights sleep.....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just starting out with this blog 'thang'.....

Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own. And in the midst of it all you laugh, cry, rage and celebrate.

This blog is an outlet for the thoughts and feelings that seem to dwell in my heart and mind, while raising my four boys.

The Life, Love and Laughter I refer to is the road of life that my family is constantly traveling...the love relationships of being a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc...and the humor it takes to get through it all in one piece.

As I move forward down this road, I carry a massive load of humor and humility as it's the key to surviving the first 18 years of our children's lives.

"Of course I'd like to be the ideal Mom but I'm too busy raising my kids"